I took the cgdctalk.doc file as provided by Michael Abrash and converted it for distribution. The wording is his, HTML and possible related errors are mine. There is, with permission, a local copy. Please remember that these are about 30 pages with a only few lines each, and that it is a WORD document. -- b.
This document contains the transparencies for my talk at the Computer
Game Developers Conference on 4/2/96. Audio and video tapes of the
talk are
from the
conference organizers.
Note that the
Quake technology described in these transparencies can be licensed
from id Software; contact Jay Wilbur (jayw@idsoftware.com), or Mike
Wilson (mikew@idsoftware.com).
--Michael Abrash
by Michael Abrash, id Software.
WARNING! - Explicit technical content!!
A highly technical look inside the design of the Quake
graphics engine.
1 hour != 12 months
Idea is to give you benefit of our real-world experience
to help you up the learning curve.
"Pretty soon, computers will be fast." -Billy Zelsnack
Hardware isn't as fast as we'd like for realtime 3-D,
and isn't going to be for a long time.
Hard frame-rate constraints.
It would be nice to be able to chuck all the polygons at a
rasterizer that was so fast that we didn't have to think any further.
Problem: no such rasterizer.
Bigger problem: level designers would just use more polygons.
The number of polygons goes up very fast with larger/more complex
worlds, much more than linearly, though the number of visible
polygons may not.
Problem of rejecting polygons outside the view pyramid,
and frame rate variation.
culling polygons that are in the view pyramid but are totally obscured. Some of the techniques that were considered and/or tried:
Frame rate was still not level enough, because of overdraw.
Added another stage, edge sorting, to process the polygons
in the PVS.
Add edges to global table, process all edges at once, top to
bottom, emit nearest spans. Later, draw the spans for each surface
in turn.
Extra sorting work, but reduced overdraw to zero, levelling
performance a great deal.
Other benefits:
What key to sort on?
Disadvantages of normal Gouraud shaded texture mapping:
Each surface is generated from a combination of a tiled texture and a
light map with light values on a 16-pixel grid.
This is cached and used as the source texture for a non-shading
texture mapper.
The light map is precalculated with ray casting from lights to each
grid point on each surface. Radiosity would be possible.
Per-surface mipmapping helps keep the total cache size down, and also
improves appearance at a distance.
100% floating-point down to the 8 or 16 pixel subdivisions.
Hurts on 486, but Pentium floating-point is fast, and floating-point
solves all sorts of range and scale problems, and allows both
lowering FDIV precision and overlapping FDIV. Also, using FP
registers frees up integer registers.
All in all, our inner loop is clearly faster in floating-point on
Pentium than it would be in fixed-point.
There are several types of entities, stored as BSP trees, polygon
meshes, sprites, and particles.
Large-scale culling benefits for entities: Each entity's bounding
box is clipped into the world BSP.
Only if it touches a PVS leaf is it flagged for later drawing,
after the world has been processed.
Separate BSP models, such as doors, platforms, and health and ammo
boxes, are clipped into the world BSP, then added to the global edge
table, just like world polygons.
Doors block view past them, reducing overdraw considerably.
BSP models in the same leaf fall back to sorting against each
other on 1/z.
More complex objects, such as torches, armor, and players can't be
done with BSPs.
Sprites look startlingly non-3D in a Quake level; they're rare now,
and may disappear entirely, but are an easy solution for objects
like torches.
We had been clipping sprites into the world BSP and drawing the
pieces by their leaves' BSP order, drawing back to front.
That approach didn't work so well for polygon models--players
and monsters.
Polygon models are meshes of 100-400 polygons, with a single
front/back skin stretched over them.
We couldn't clip them to the world BSP, because it would be too
expensive, so we just drew each triangle in the nearest leaf it
had a vertex in, which caused occasional errors.
Errors sorting polygons within models.
Errors sorting between models in same leaf (and also with other
BSP models and sprites).
Tried lots of tweaks (such as putting into edge list), but none was
satisfactory until John came up with a sweeping solution:
Uh... Z-buffering
We z-buffer sprites, polygon models, and all other non-BSP entities.
How low-tech can you get?
Solved all sorting problems for moving entities with NO sorting
errors ever.
Fits beautifully into overall design.
Because of no-overdraw spans, can z-fill world at an adequate speed.
Allows post-processing. At the moment, we're doing particles,
scaled NxN colored rectangles, but could do pretty much anything.
Low-tech, high-tech, whatever; the secret's in the mixing and matching
until it all fits.
The more 3-D tricks you know, and the more you experiment, the better.
Yes, I could use a vacation.
Sharing knowledge makes the world a better place.