The logo was done with Open Inventor and it is nice to be able to do such things very easily (check the specs and you'll see why. :D) Some time soon, the web server I run should become accessibe by the outside world, at which point my other pages as well as the DHS will be visible once again and European Doomers will be able to access a DHS site much closer to them (I live in England).
My office machine is:
200MHz R4400SC 64bit SGI Indy, 64MB RAM, 1MB Secondary Cache (32K internal: 16K data, 16K instruction), 2GB SCSI disk (internal), 17" 1280x1024 colour monitor, 4X CDROM, DAT, 24bit XL graphics board (full 16.8M colours at 1280x1024), 640x480 colour digital camera (IndyCam).
Other internal hardware:
Fast SCSI-2 disk controller. AUI and 10Base-T Ethernet controllers. Enhanced inbuilt audio subsystem (A2 Audio processor). Video subsystem comprising SGI Digital Video, NTSC, PAL and S-Video inputs. ISDN Controller. 72-bit wide (64bit plus parity) CPU and I/O buses. XL Graphics Subsystem comprising: Raster Engine (REX3) ASIC. The main CPU uses the IRIS Graphics Library to transform 3D polygons to 2D screen coordinates, decompose them into triangles, and finally decompose the triangles into spans by exact point sampling of the triangle's interior. These spans are then passed on to the REX3 ASIC, which interpolates them and renders the results into the frame buffer. Framebuffer VRAM, which contains the pixel colour and overlay data for the 1280x1024 display, and the CID planes for arbitrary window clipping operations. VC (video controller) ASIC, XMAP9 ASICs, and CMAP which, together with a 24bit DAC, generate the RGB video signals sent to the monitor.
External Connectivity (all supplied as standard):
PS/2-standard keyboard port, PS/2-standard mouse port, Fast SCSI-2 port, Ethernet port, Monitor port, Bi-directional Centronics parallel port, Two serial ports, SGI Digital Video port (for IndyCam or other digital video), RCA-style jack for NTSC/PAL composite video input, 6-pin minidin connector for NTSC/PAL S-Video input, RJ-45 connection for ISDN network interface, Stereo line-in jack for analogue audio input, Stereo line-out jack for analogue audio output, Stereo microphone input jack for a mic-level audio input, Digital i/o jack for serial digital audio input and output, Stereo output jack for headphones, StereoView port for StereoView VR glasses.
It runs Doom rather well... :-)
(the normal Doom window of 320x200 is a bit small on a 1280x1024 screen, so one can use a -2, -3 or -4 option to scale up the display. At 3x inflation the Indy is blitting 19 times the number of pixels blitted on a PC, yet the speed is the same as high-end 486)
The Indy is, believe it or not, incredibly out of date now. It was effectively superceded on October 7th by SGI's new O2 workstation. I'm going to buy one next March. Check out the O2 specs! :)