Welcome to D.J. Quad's version of The "Official" Doom FAQ. The "Official" Doom FAQ v1.666 is © 1993, 1994 Hank Leukart. Please read these suggestions to get the most out of this version.
- Netscape Version 2.0 is recommended to view this site.
- The following page is one huge page, about 400k in size. Obviously the faster the connection, the better. I may split it up, but for now it's one big page. Since the version is text only (no graphics), it will load faster than pages with images, and you'll be able to scroll down and start reading while it's loading.
- For quicker loading, please clear your memory cache and disk cache now. (Under Options, Network Preferences, Cache)
- You may be asking yourself, "Why did you create this version when there was already a previous version at Doomgate?" Well, this has been totally revamped from the ground up with updated and additional links, faster loading time, optimized code (2000 lines shorter, and about 20% smaller in size), and much, much more. Don't get me wrong, T J Kelley did a great job, but converting text docs to HTML is never a "literal" translation.
- Since this was converted from the dmfaq666.zip, which was released December 10th, 1994, some of the links are no longer up. Hopefully Hank will update the FAQ soon!
- Please don't E-Mail me with changes to the Doom FAQ itself, those should go to Hank Leukart, the author of The "Official" Doom FAQ.
- The original Doom FAQ v1.666 is also available, feel free to download it. The HTML version (file size: 129k) of the page you are about to view is also available for download, if you'd like to view it locally. Just download it and unzip it, then crank up Netscape and choose Open File under the File menu.
- That's about it, if you have any comments, questions, or suggestions, please E-Mail me! Click on the Doom Icon below to enter.
Site by D.J. Quad. View the next page for credits and Copyright information. If you'd like more info on mirroring this web site, please E-Mail me.