Well here is an outline of some of the things I am going to make available on DoomGate. More things might show up as the need becomes apparent and others may disappear if there is no interest in them. Whatever the case might be I hope you will find some of these services at least somewhat interesting. Here they are:
There is quite a few of them. For a detailed list click here.
Archives of items mentioned below are available for access using both FTP and FSP clients. Some restrictions on the number of concurrent users are in effect so if you get a denial of service please read the message carefully for an explanation.
Since some of us do not have access to all relevant USENET newsgroups a project is in the works to make their content available via WWW. In this way you will still get the latest but will not be required to have the newsgroups be carried by your local hosts (for those who know it will be independent of the news: directive)
No information service would be complete without a variety of mailing lists for discussion of various angles of the games. Below you will find a list of those that are served directly from DoomGate. There are more lists out there though. To see a complete list of what is available click here.
All lists run on DoomGate with the help of Majordomo. To subscribe to any of them please send mail to majordomo@doomgate.cs.buffalo.edu with NO subject line and in the body of the message include a subscribe request like this: subscribe dooml. This example process will subscribe you to the dooml mailing list.
For quick reference and updates checkout the following account for finger information. finger info@doomgate.cs.buffalo.edu. There are others of interest so read the output carefully for places to see next.
[In Progress] items are currently in the works. Part of the reason for the delay is lack of resources. The machine DoomGate is running on is completely maxed out both in terms of CPU and disk space. If you would like to offer us some help will be sure to mention you and expose you to our large number of frequent visitors.