Title of Game : Escape from Delirium Type of Game : Graphic-Adventure (style of Monkey Island/ Indy...) Operating Sys : MS-DOS (works also using Windows, OS/2...) Uploader Email : walter.koch@stud.uni-regensburg.de Date Uploaded : 06.05.1996 Short Descrip. : Graphic-adventure with tons of handpainted graphics and a totally unbelievable story! Over 60 playable rooms (registered version) full of fun and tons of puzzles! Have you ever seen a shareware-adventure like this one? ENGLISH AND GERMAN TEXTS! Long Desc : (=FILE_ID.DIZ, look below) ************************************************* *** E S C A P E F R O M D E L I R I U M *** ************************************************* * SHAREWARE * ViRTUAL X-PERiENCE Software * ************************************************* ------------------------------------------------- Have you ever played a graphic-adventure being even more mad than this one? I guess not! A beatyful and unbelievable world awaits you in this adventure-game in the style of Monkey Island and Indiana Jones! The story so far! ------------------------------------------ As an antique corpse was found in an abandoned subway-tunnel, a group of specialists was ordered to investigate the issue. You - Paul Cole - are descending the depth, when your rope is scratched, and you fall. Trying to find a way up again, you discover the supervising-room of the museum above you. Just in that moment you notice on one of the monitors, a man breaking into the upper level of the museum. Unfortunately, the burglars managed to steal a valuable stone plate, that's said to show the way to a source of unbelievable power. As the press prints the name of a wittness - YOUR NAME - into the papers your fate is sealed. The next day you are to fly to court to Washington D.C. It's not hard to imagine what's next. A bomb is set up in the plane... To make things even worse, suddenly a terrorist appears, that's taking over control of the plane, and directs it to the Philippines... ---------------------------------------------- Hardware-requirements: þ 486/Pentium þ MS-DOS þ 4 MB RAM þ Mouse þ VGA Supports: þ Soundblaster, SB PRO, SB 16 þ PAS, PAS 16 þ GUS, GUS MAX þ Nosound Bilingual! þ ENGLISH & GERMAN TEXTS! ---------------------------------------------- PLEASE DISTRIBUTE LIKE CRAZY!