Earlier upgrades:
- Upgrading from v1.01 to v1.02:
The following files were updated in v1.02: xaseco2.php,
includes/GbxRemote.bem.php, GbxRemote.inc.php, basic.inc.php,
gbxdatafetcher.inc.php, jfreu.config.php, manialinks.inc.php,
mxinfofetcher.inc.php, mxinfosearcher.inc.php, rasp.funcs.php,
types.inc.php, plugins/chat.admin.php, chat.records2.php,
plugin.localdatabase.php, plugin.panels.php, plugin.rasp_jukebox.php,
File panels/StatsCanyon.xml was renamed to panels/Stats2.xml
- See the installation notes for upgrading to v0.98.
- Upgrading from v1.00 to v1.01:
The following files were updated in v1.01: xaseco2.php, config.xml,
includes/gbxdatafetcher.inc.php, mxinfofetcher.inc.php,
mxinfosearcher.inc.php, rasp.funcs.php, types.inc.php,
xmlrpc_db.inc.php, plugins/chat.songmod.php, plugin.dedimania.php,
plugin.localdatabase.php, plugin.map.php, plugin.mxinfo.php.
- See the installation notes for upgrading to v0.98.
- Upgrading from v0.98 to v1.00:
The following files were updated in v1.00: xaseco2.php, config.xml,
dedimania.xml, musicserver.xml, rasp.xml, votes.config.php,
includes/GbxRemote.bem.php, GbxRemote.inc.php, gbxdatafetcher.inc.php,
jfreu.config.php, manialinks.inc.php, mxinfofetcher.inc.php,
mxinfosearcher.inc.php, rasp.funcs.php, types.inc.php,
votes.config.php, xmlrpc_db.inc.php, plugins/chat.admin.php,
chat.dedimania.php, chat.records.php, chat.records2.php,
chat.recrels.php, chat.stats.php, plugin.checkpoints.php,
plugin.dedimania.php, plugin.localdatabase.php, plugin.map.php,
plugin.mxinfo.php, plugin.panels.php, plugin.rasp.php,
plugin.rasp_jukebox.php, plugin.rasp_votes.php, plugin.rounds.php.
- See the installation notes for upgrading to v0.98.
- Upgrading from v0.95 to v0.98:
The following files were added in v0.98: dedimania.xml,
plugins/chat.dedimania.php, plugin.dedimania.php.
The following files were updated in v0.98: xaseco2.php, plugins.xml,
includes/replayparser.inc.php, xmlrpc_db.inc.php, web_access.inc.php,
plugins/chat.records2.php, plugin.checkpoints.php, plugin.donate.php,
plugin.map.php, plugin.rasp_chat.php.
- To configure your server for the central Dedimania
database, you must copy the login value in the
section from
your server's dedicated_cfg.txt file into the corresponding
section of the dedimania.xml file. Further, register your
server with the Dedimania system, generate a DedimaniaCode,
and add that in dedimania.xml as well.
- Open port 8082 on your firewall/router for communication
with the central Dedimania server.
- In the zip file, all *.XML and *.PHP config files are located
inside the newinstall/ directory. This means that you can (and
have to) unzip the download and replace all the PHP code files, without
worrying about overwriting your customized config files. However, for
every XML/PHP config file that was updated (see above), you must
replace your version with the one from the newinstall/ directory, or
compare them and add any new/changed configuration settings
to your version to insure the system remains working correctly.
- For a new installation, go into the newinstall/ directory and move
all *.XML files into the main directory (next to xaseco2.php), all
*.PHP files into the includes/ directory, and XAseco2.bat|XAseco2.sh
also into the main directory.
- Upgrading from v0.93 to v0.95:
The following files were added in v0.95:
includes/mxinfofetcher.inc.php, mxinfosearcher.inc.php,
The following files were updated in v0.95: xaseco2.php, plugins.xml,
includes/basic.inc.php, manialinks.inc.php, rasp.settings.php,
plugins/chat.admin.php, plugin.autotime.php, plugin.rasp_jukebox.php.
- See the installation notes for upgrading to v0.93.
- Upgrading from v0.90 to v0.93:
The following files were added in v0.93: plugins/plugin.donate.php,
panels/Donate*.xml, PanelBG*.xml, styles/Card.xml.
The following files were updated in v0.93: xaseco2.php, adminops.xml,
config.xml, plugins.xml, includes/gbxdatafetcher.inc.php,
manialinks.inc.php, jfreu.config.php, types.inc.php,
plugins/chat.admin.php, chat.server.php, chat.stats.php,
plugin.localdatabase.php, plugin.panels.php, plugin.style.php,
panels/Admin*.xml, Records*.xml, Vote*.xml, StatsCanyon.xml.
- In the zip file, all *.XML and *.PHP config files are located
inside the newinstall/ directory. This means that you can (and
have to) unzip the download and replace all the PHP code files, without
worrying about overwriting your customized config files. However, for
every XML/PHP config file that was updated (see above), you must
replace your version with the one from the newinstall/ directory, or
compare them and add any new/changed configuration settings
to your version to insure the system remains working correctly.
- For a new installation, go into the newinstall/ directory and move
all *.XML files into the main directory (next to xaseco2.php), all
*.PHP files into the includes/ directory, and XAseco2.bat|XAseco2.sh
also into the main directory.
Copyright © 2007-2024 – Frans P. de Vries
Last updated 30-Mar-2013