/admin | Provides admin commands (see: /admin help) |
/help | Shows all available commands |
/helpall | Displays help for available commands |
/recs | Displays all records on current map |
/recs help | | Displays this help information |
/recs pb | | Shows your personal best on current map |
/recs new | | Shows newly driven records |
/recs live | | Shows records of online players |
/recs first | | Shows first ranked record on current map |
/recs last | | Shows last ranked record on current map |
/recs next | | Shows next better ranked record to beat |
/recs diff | | Shows your difference to first ranked record |
/recs range | | Shows difference first to last ranked record |
/newrecs | Shows newly driven records |
/liverecs | Shows records of online players |
/best | Displays your best records |
/worst | Displays your worst records |
/summary | Shows summary of all your records |
/topsums | Displays top 100 of top-3 record holders |
/toprecs | Displays top 100 ranked records holders |
/firstrec | Shows first ranked record on current map |
/lastrec | Shows last ranked record on current map |
/nextrec | Shows next better ranked record to beat |
/diffrec | Shows your difference to first ranked record |
/recrange | Shows difference first to last ranked record |
/helpdedi | /dedihelp | Displays info about the Dedimania records system |
/dedirecs | Displays all Dedimania records on current map |
/dedirecs help | | Displays this help information |
/dedirecs pb | | Shows your personal best on current map |
/dedirecs new | | Shows newly driven records |
/dedirecs live | | Shows records of online players |
/dedirecs first | | Shows first ranked record on current map |
/dedirecs last | | Shows last ranked record on current map |
/dedirecs next | | Shows next better ranked record to beat |
/dedirecs diff | | Shows your difference to first ranked record |
/dedirecs range | | Shows difference first to last ranked record |
/dedinew | Shows newly driven Dedimania records |
/dedilive | Shows Dedimania records of online players |
/dedipb | Shows your Dedimania personal best on current map |
/dedifirst | Shows first Dedimania record on current map |
/dedilast | Shows last Dedimania record on current map |
/dedinext | Shows next better Dedimania record to beat |
/dedidiff | Shows your difference to first Dedimania record |
/dedirange | Shows difference first to last Dedimania record |
/dedicps | Sets Dedimania record checkpoints tracking |
/dedistats | Displays Dedimania map statistics |
/dedicptms | Displays all Dedimania records' checkpoint times |
/dedisectms | Displays all Dedimania records' sector times |
/players | Displays current list of nicks/logins |
/ranks | Displays list of online ranks/nicks |
/clans | Displays list of online clans/nicks |
/topclans | Displays top 10 best ranked clans |
/wins | Shows wins for current player |
/laston | Shows when a player was last online |
/lastwin | Re-opens the last closed multi-page window |
/stats | Displays statistics of current player |
/settings | Displays your personal settings |
/server | Displays info about this server |
/xaseco2 | Displays info about this XASECO2 |
/plugins | Displays list of active plugins |
/nations | Displays top 10 most visiting nations |
/song | Shows filename of current map's song |
/mod | Shows (file)name of current map's mod |
/me | Can be used to express emotions |
/mute | Mute another player's chat messages |
/unmute | UnMute another player's chat messages |
/mutelist | Display list of muted players |
/refresh | Refresh chat window |
/mxinfo | Displays MX info {Map_ID/MX_ID} |
/mxrecs | Displays MX records {Map_ID/MX_ID} |
/map | Shows info about the current map |
/playtime | Shows time current map has been playing |
/time | Shows current server time & date |
/cps | Sets local record checkpoints tracking |
/cpsspec | Shows checkpoints of spectated player |
/cptms | Displays all local records' checkpoint times |
/sectms | Displays all local records' sector times |
/pb | Shows your personal best on current map |
/rank | Shows your current server rank |
/top10 | Displays top 10 best ranked players |
/top100 | Displays top 100 best ranked players |
/topwins | Displays top 100 victorious players |
/active | Displays top 100 most active players |
/list | Lists maps currently on the server (see: /list help) |
/list help | | Displays this help information |
/list nofinish | | Maps you don't have a rank on |
/list norank | | Maps you haven't completed |
/list nogold | | Maps you didn't beat gold time on |
/list noauthor | | Maps you didn't beat author time on |
/list norecent | | Maps you didn't play recently |
/list best | worst | | Maps with your best / worst records |
/list longest | shortest | | The longest / shortest maps |
/list newest | oldest <#> | | The newest / oldest # maps (default: 50) |
/list <xxx> | | Where <xxx> is part of a map or author name |
/list novote | | Maps you didn't karma vote for |
/list karma <#> | | Display all maps with karma >= or <= given value |
/jukebox | Sets a map to be played next (see: /jukebox help) |
/jukebox help | | Displays this help information |
/jukebox list | | Shows upcoming maps |
/jukebox display | | Displays upcoming maps and requesters |
/jukebox drop | | Drops your currently added map |
/jukebox <#> | | Adds a map where <#> is map number from /list |
/autojuke | Jukeboxes map from /list (see: /autojuke help) |
/autojuke help | | Displays this help information |
/autojuke nofinish | | Maps you don't have a rank on |
/autojuke norank | | Maps you haven't completed |
/autojuke nogold | | Maps you didn't beat gold time on |
/autojuke noauthor | | Maps you didn't beat author time on |
/autojuke norecent | | Maps you didn't play recently |
/autojuke longest | shortest | | The longest / shortest maps |
/autojuke newest | oldest | | The newest / oldest # maps |
/autojuke novote | | Maps you didn't karma vote for |
/add | Adds a map directly from MX (<ID>) |
/y | Votes Yes for a MX map or chat-based vote |
/history | Shows the 10 most recently played maps |
/xlist | Lists maps on MX (see: /xlist help) |
/xlist help | | Displays this help information |
/xlist recent | | Lists the 10 most recent maps |
/xlist <xxx> | | Lists maps matching (partial) name |
/xlist auth:<yyy> | | Lists maps matching (partial) author |
/xlist <xxx> auth:<yyy> | | Combines the name and author searches |
/pm | Sends a private message to login or Player_ID |
/pma | Sends a private message to player & admins (admin-only) |
/pmlog | Displays log of your recent private messages |
/hi | Sends a Hi message to everyone |
/bye | Sends a Bye message to everyone |
/thx | Sends a Thanks message to everyone |
/lol | Sends a Lol message to everyone |
/lool | Sends a Lool message to everyone |
/brb | Sends a Be Right Back message to everyone |
/afk | Sends an Away From Keyboard message to everyone |
/gg | Sends a Good Game message to everyone |
/gr | Sends a Good Race message to everyone |
/n1 | Sends a Nice One message to everyone |
/bgm | Sends a Bad Game message to everyone |
/official | Shows a helpful message ;-) |
/bootme | Boot yourself from the server |
/karma | Shows karma for the current map |
/++ | Increases karma for the current map |
/-- | Decreases karma for the current map |
/nextmap | Shows name of the next map |
/nextrank | Shows the next better ranked player |
/helpvote | /votehelp | Displays info about the chat-based votes |
/endround | Starts a vote to end current round |
/ladder | Starts a vote to restart map for ladder |
/replay | Starts a vote to replay this map |
/skip | Starts a vote to skip this map |
/ignore | Starts a vote to ignore a player |
/kick | Starts a vote to kick a player |
/cancel | Cancels your current vote |
/chatlog | Displays log of recent chat messages |
/msglog | Displays log of recent system messages |
/style | Selects window style (see: /style help) |
/style help | | Displays this help information |
/style list | | Displays available styles |
/style default | | Resets style to server default |
/style <xxx> | | Selects window style <xxx> |
/donpanel | Selects donate panel (see: /donpanel help) |
/donpanel help | | Displays this help information |
/donpanel list | | Displays available panels |
/donpanel default | | Resets panel to server default |
/donpanel off | | Disables donate panel |
/donpanel <xxx> | | Selects donate panel <xxx> |
/recpanel | Selects records panel (see: /recpanel help) |
/recpanel help | | Displays this help information |
/recpanel list | | Displays available panels |
/recpanel default | | Resets panel to server default |
/recpanel off | | Disables records panel |
/recpanel <xxx> | | Selects records panel <xxx> |
/votepanel | Selects records panel (see: /votepanel help) |
/votepanel help | | Displays this help information |
/votepanel list | | Displays available panels |
/votepanel default | | Resets panel to server default |
/votepanel off | | Disables vote panel |
/votepanel <xxx> | | Selects vote panel <xxx> |
/panelbg | Selects panel background (see: /panelbg help) |
/panelbg help | | Displays this help information |
/panelbg list | | Displays available backgrounds |
/panelbg default | | Resets background to server default |
/panelbg <xxx> | | Selects panel background <xxx> |
/donate | Donates planets to server |
/topdons | Displays top 100 highest donators |
/music | Handles server music (see: /music help) |
/music help | | Displays this help information |
/music settings | | Displays current music settings |
/music list | | Displays all available songs |
/music list <xxx> | | Searches song names/tags for <xxx> |
/music current | | Shows the current song |
/music reload (admin) | | Reloads musicserver.xml config file |
/music next (admin) | | Skips to next song (upon next map) |
/music sort (admin) | | Sorts the song list |
/music shuffle (admin) | | Randomizes the song list |
/music override (admin) | | Changes map override setting |
/music autonext (admin) | | Changes automatic next song setting |
/music allowjb (admin) | | Changes allow jukebox setting |
/music stripdirs (admin) | | Changes strip subdirs setting |
/music stripexts (admin) | | Changes strip extensions setting |
/music off (admin) | | Disables music, auto next & jukebox |
/music jukebox | | Displays upcoming songs in jukebox |
/music drop | | Drops your currently added song |
/music <#> | | Adds a song to jukebox where <#> is song number |
/rpoints | Shows current Rounds points system |
/ranklimit | Shows the current rank limit |
/password | Shows server's player/spectator password |
/yes | Votes Yes for unSpec |
/no | Votes No for unSpec |
/unspec | Launches an unSpec vote |
/message | Shows random informational message |
/jfreu | Jfreu admin commands (see: /jfreu help) |
/version | Shows server version (dedicated built-in command) |
/serverlogin | Shows server login (dedicated built-in command) |
/t message | Echo message with nickname in <> (dedicated built-in command) |