New features and other changes in the v0.85 release of ASECO/RASP:
- new /topsums command (short for: top summaries) to display the top-100 of players with the most top-3 ranked records (i.e. of /summary results)
- updated /best and /worst commands to include an track ID column so that tracks can be jukeboxed directly (without going through /list)
- new /admin removethis and /admin erasethis commands to quickly remove the current track from rotation and, if erasethis, also delete the track file
- new up-to-date check at start-up (optional) and /admin uptodate command to check for the current version of ASECO/RASP; consequently, Jfreu's /uptodate command was disabled
- new
configuration setting in localdatabase.xml to restrict the highest records that are still displayed
- computation of the required number of votes for TMX /add and chat-based votes adjusted for low player counts
- the informational /helpvote messages sent to all players or just a new player can now be turned off completely
- an extra check for a "stuck" track in the jukebox is done when loading the next one, and if it fails to load twice it's dropped
- if
in config.xml is true
, the original Current Record message is redundant with the top-8 records list, and no longer shown
- if
in config.xml is true
and the player has a ranked record, then the Personal Best message can optionally be skipped via $always_show_pb = false
in rasp.settings.php
Bug fixes in the v0.85 release of ASECO/RASP:
- in determining the required number of votes, spectators are still included for TMX /add votes – fixed
- when adding from TMX via /add or /admin add, a track with a '?' or '*' in its filename causes it to not load and get stuck in the jukebox – fixed by changing all occurrences of '?' and '*' into '_'
- in very rare conditions (running on WinXP with a buggy PHP time functions library in a country using 8-bit characters) the /server and /stats commands could fail silently because the 'strftime' system call returns a bogus timezone – fixed by changing to 'date' system calls
- using '$g$m' to clear text attributes after track names and player nicknames in various messages could result in inconsistencies with italics – fixed by replacing '$g$m' with '$z$s' (or occasionally '$z$s$i')
New features and other changes in the v0.84 release of ASECO/RASP:
- new and sophisticated chat-based voting; by including plugin.rasp_votes.php and setting
in rasp.settings.php to true
, normal CallVotes are disabled and the following features become available:
- new /helpvote command to display usage info and the actual voting ratios for the new voting commands
- new /endround vote to end a round (only enabled in Rounds/Team modes)
- new /ladder vote to restart the current track immediately when the ladder is down
- new /replay vote to replay the current track after it's done (prepends it to jukebox)
- new /skip vote to skip the current track immediately
- new /kick vote to kick a player
- new /cancel command for a player to cancel his/her own vote (also works with TMX /add votes; admins can /cancel any vote)
- extensive configuration options in the new votes.config.php file:
- separate voting ratios per type of vote, so e.g. a kick vote is harder to pass than an endround vote
- option to enable /kick vote (default: on) and enable kicking of admins (default: off); if disabled, /kick also isn't listed in the /helpvote output
- option to perform /ladder restart via quick ChallengeRestart or by prepending track to jukebox and doing NextChallenge
- option to automatically vote for the vote starter, otherwise the old way remains where the starter also has to vote /y
- vote expiration options:
in Rounds/Team modes all votes (except /endround) expire within 3 rounds (default);
in TimeAttack/Laps/Stunts modes all votes expire after approximately 120 seconds / 2 minutes (default);
expiration is necessary, otherwise unpassed votes will linger on until the end of the track, preventing players from starting another vote
- vote reminder options:
in Rounds/Team modes a reminder can be shown after every round until the vote passes or expires;
in TimeAttack/Laps/Stunts modes a reminder can be shown approximately every 30 seconds (default) until the vote passes or expires;
reminders help players not forget about ongoing votes after the last vote message has scrolled out of the chat window
- optional limits to the number of /ladder, /replay & /skip votes per track (default max: 2); if a limit is 0, that particular vote is disabled
- optional limits to when /ladder, /replay & /skip votes are allowed in Rounds and TimeAttack mode:
in Rounds the limit is based on the number of points that the first player already has, compared to the server's points limit;
in TimeAttack the limit is based on the time the track is already running, compared to the server's time limit;
/ladder is disabled after 40%, /replay is disabled before 50%, and /skip is disabled after 50% of those limits (all percentages configurable)
- the rationale behind these optional limits is that it's: annoying to go through the same type of vote more than twice; annoying to go through a ladder restart vote when the track is already a few minutes under way; too early to decide whether to play a track again if when it's not even halfway done; and annoying to go through a skip vote when a track is close to completion
- there's no limit to the number of endround and kick votes per track, because you may need more than a few of them J
- there are no /ladder, /replay & /skip limits in Team, Laps & Stunts modes
- there's no /ban vote command because IMHO only admins should be able to ban
- in determining the required number of votes, spectators are not included; this now also applies to TMX /add votes
- if chat-based voting is enabled, the /server output will show a pointer to /helpvote instead of the CallVote timeout and ratio
- in Rounds/Team modes a running /endround vote is automatically terminated by the EndRound event, i.e. when all players 'Enter' as yet or by an /admin endround/er command
- the vote expiration and reminder options, and the automatic vote for starter option, also work with TMX /add votes
- all votes terminate automatically at the start of a new track
- when a new player connects, an explanatory message that chat-based voting is in effect is shown to that player, or optionally to all players; you can use the latter during an introduction period until most players are familiar with the new voting system
- integrates properly with TMX /add votes whether or not those are enabled, and whether or not chat-based votes are enabled
- voting messages use a new pink color (
in config.xml) that's sufficiently distinct from the colors of all other message types (but /add related messages retain their normal orange color)
- for further understanding of the features and configuration options, study the detailed comments in function init_votes() in plugins.rasp_votes.php
- new /admin pmlog command to display the most recent 30 (default) lines of admin pm's in a pop-up window
- updated /admin cancel to cancel TMX & chat votes too
- added more aliases to /admin nextmap command, for consistency with the /skip vote: /admin skipmap and /admin skip
- long lines in the /chatlog pop-up window are now split up with a continuation symbol (...) at the start of the second and following parts
- if
is true
, non-existent chat commands – lines starting with '/' that cannot be executed – are also logged (but they're not shown in /chatlog)
- (almost) all function calls were updated to remove the deprecated pass-by-reference '&' from parameters
- tweaked various jukebox related messages
Bug fixes in the v0.84 release of ASECO/RASP:
- in the /chatlog output, strip wide font ($w) from nicknames so that the window width isn't stretched out too far by players with long wide nicks and lengthy chat lines
- with a large number of long chat lines in the /chatlog output, it could hang up the TMN client – fixed
- all player tests w.r.t. jukebox/add actions are done against nickname, potentially causing conflicts between players with identical nicknames – fixed by changing those tests to logins
- if a player voted /y in one TMX /add vote, he/she wasn't be able to vote for another /add vote during the same track – fixed
- if a player tries to /add an existing track, the preceding track in the server's track list is jukeboxed instead of that requested one – fixed
- if a player tries to /add the same track that was just /add-ed (but not yet loaded), another vote is started – fixed
- /add doesn't properly insert the track into the jukebox such that it can be dropped again – fixed
- if /add finds the requested track is already present on the server, the temporary track file wouldn't be deleted – fixed
- using '$z' to clear text attributes after track names and player nicknames in various messages would also turn off the default 'shadowed' style for the remainder of those messages – fixed by replacing '$z' with '$g$m'
New features and other changes in the v0.82 release of ASECO/RASP:
- new /nextrank command to show the next better ranked player
- new /admin unban and /admin unblack commands to remove players from the ban and black lists; you can use the player IDs from the /admin showbanlist and /admin showblacklist output, respectively, as well as any valid logins
- new /admin addguest and /admin removeguest commands to add players to and remove from the guest list (even offline ones); with addguest you can use player IDs from the /players output, with removeguest from /admin showguestlist, as well as any valid logins
- new /admin cleanbanlist, /admin cleanblacklist and /admin cleanguestlist commands to completely clean the ban, black and guest lists
- added aliases for admin commands: /admin showbanlist or /admin listbans, /admin showblacklist or /admin listblacks, and /admin showguestlist or /admin listguests
- the IP address of a connecting player is now logged along with the rest of the 'join' message
- the updated Matchsave plugin (plugin.matchsave.php, matchsave.xml) by F*ckfish is now part of the standard distribution, although by default not included in plugins.xml
- all function declarations were updated to remove the deprecated pass-by-reference '&' from parameters
Bug fixes in the v0.82 release of ASECO/RASP:
- if
is enabled and there is a syntax error in rasp.xml, there is a possibility for the records/times of all tracks to be deleted – fixed, a syntax error will no longer invoke pruning
- fields 2 & 3 in
in config.xml are out of order – fixed, although it isn't visible anyway as the same (and correct) message from localdatabase.xml supersedes it
- the /admin showbanlist/showblacklist/showguestlist commands are not properly storing the player IDs & logins for later use – fixed
- the "Player dropped...track... from jukebox" message is shown in yellow instead of orange, like all other jukebox messages – fixed
New features and other changes in the v0.81 release of ASECO/RASP:
- new /chatlog command to display the most recent 30 (default) lines of player chat in a pop-up window
- showing a FAST-like record report after each track is now optional too, via new config.xml setting
; if False
, the old top-5 from v0.7 is shown
- new /admin showguestlist command to display the list of guest player(s)
- new /admin writeguestlist and /admin readguestlist commands to write/read the player guestlist to/from disk
- the player join/leave messages are now available from a separate jfreu.player.php plugin, in case you don't want/need the rest of the Jfreu functionality (rank limiting, unspec voting, badword filtering, admin commands, etc.)
- the Jfreu unspec-fix plugin (jfreu.unspec.php) by F*ckfish is now part of the standard distribution, although by default not included in plugins.xml
Bug fixes in the v0.81 release of ASECO/RASP:
- when a player connected, the before record report is shown to all players, instead of just the new one – fixed
Known problems in the v0.8+ releases of ASECO/RASP:
- Sometimes when a player connects, the TeamName is not stored in the 'players' table, and thus it doesn't show up in the /clans command. No solution known, it looks like the value is simply not returned by the GetPlayerInfo server call.
- If all (non-spectator) players press DEL during the scoreboard at the end of a track, the track switching process is disturbed and the next track in the jukebox will not be loaded. No solution known, this appears to be a TMN server quirk.
- A message string in an *.xml file that contains a '&' (ampersand) character will crash the XML parser, and thus the entire ASECO/RASP system.
Copyright © 2007-2025 – Frans P. de Vries
Last updated 27-Oct-2007